This blog has moved to new site –

Hi Friends,

Hope you all are well, I want to inform you all that this blog has moved to The Average Mom website. My own site, kindly subscibe to my new site so that we remain connected.

Thanks A ton for being a friend and follower,

Waiting to see you on my new Site


“You’ve No Time For Us!” : Friends say I have changed after motherhood

How much does your relationship with friends change post a baby. Are you the same any more?

The perfect mom – isn’t that what it always is about? The ‘perfect’ is everywhere you look; the pressure to be perfect is in every aspect of life. But is ‘perfect’ real? Is the photo of the mom who’s rocking her baby, her beautiful curly hair flowing in the wind, both baby and mom smiling at each other, silhouetted against a setting sun, amid a field filled with gorgeous daisies – is that photo real?


(a) I have not washed my hair in the past 4 days, (it is a new grunge look I am sporting; goes well with my crumpled tees), and
(b) There are no daisy fields around me.

So, I am guessing that photo is not real and all it does is make me feel bad. Truth is, motherhood is the most blissful period of my life but it is the toughest too! It is a juggling act wherein you are constantly trying to keep all the balls in the air and the balls have a mind of their own. As new mothers, we read a lot, are advised a lot, prepare a lot… but nothing can actually make us ready for what is in store. You go in with a lot of preparation, yet you actually learn on the job.

Once you become a mother, your relationships change too. The most important person in your life now is a small human, who does not come with an instruction manual, is very unpredictable, and mostly sleeps but for short periods of time. After becoming a mother my priorities and my capabilities changed. My friends felt that I was changing, and yes I was. I was no longer the perfectly turned out, fashionably dressed girl with the latest designer bag in hand (one within my budget), ready to go out on a moment’s notice in my ridiculously high heels…

The perfectly turned out feature was lost somewhere in my third trimester when my transition from human to waddling penguin was complete. The fashionable dresses changed to clothes that would fit me now, would be easy to wear, and could survive constant spit ups, and a lot of wiggling and pulling. Oh, I have tried wearing fashionable blouses, with frills, boat necks, layered ones…But trust me, it gets really difficult when you have a toddler who thinks it is absolutely normal to hang from and pull down mom’s dresses necklines! Now I stick to tees and yoga pants almost entirely. The designer bag is filled with sanitisers, diapers, wipes and snacks with an odd toy or two. And heels, you say?

So what about going out with, or talking to, friends? Do I get to do it?

Read it further  On WOM, were I originally wrote this :

Real Moms Real Stories

Y for Yarn; #AtoZchallenge

The story has been published as part of my book available on Amazon

W for Wall clock; #AtoZchallenge

The story has been published as part of my book available on Amazon

J for Jar; #AtoZchallenge

The story has been published as part of my book available on Amazon

K for Kite; #AtoZchallenge

The story has been published as part of my book available on Amazon

G for Glass; #AtoZchallenge

The story has been published as part of my book available on Amazon

V for Vase; #AtoZchallenge

Veena put the lovely Rajnigandha sticks in the vase. The vase she had mended with care, so it could hold water again. NOt everything that gets broken is useless.

The story has been published as part of my book available on Amazon

U for Uniform; #AtoZChallenge

Urvashi had been working hard for 6 years now and she had been left far behind than Aditya. But she was sure she deserved her success this time. As she opened the appraisal letter she was glad to see that her hard work was finally rewarded.

The story has been published as part of my book available on Amazon

T for Tiara; #AtoZchallenge

The story has been published as part of my book available on Amazon

R for Road; #AtoZchallenge

Ramesh was a respectable member of his society. A locality which had been his home always. The Road which led to it, did the same road not lead away too?

The story has been published as part of my book available on Amazon

P for Purse #atozchallenge

Priya had been saving up for a beautiful purse like the other girls had. It will make her as stylish as them and they would finally accept her as one of them.

The story has been published as part of my book available on Amazon